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Topics that Need More Daylight
  1. The overwhelming benefit of early and aggressive preventive obliteration of all pit and fissure enamel defects.

  2. The use of high magnification in the understanding and execution of quality work.

  3. The introduction of highly magnified, high-resolution digital images as the standard for accountability, communication and the payment of benefits.

  4. Educational tools like  “How to teach your dog to floss” a cross species, cross-generational children’s book that allows everyone to understand and be a “Plaque Control Expert”. (First page, first sentence” You can’t teach a dog to floss to floss silly”)

  5. Major movement in the understanding of bacterial contamination of dentinal tubules as a foundational concept to prevent a cascading of recurrent catastrophic failure.

  6. The understanding of bacterial contamination of dentinal tubules as a foundational concept for systemic insult, inflammation and disease.

  7. New concepts that could eliminate the need for new crowns, root canal treatments and extractions up to 90% of time.  And still be valuable to the patient and profitable to the dentist.

  8. Evidence based hopeless teeth that are not or were not hopeless at all.

  9. A new concept of “make it fail,’ not just saying it will fail because that treatment option is easier, less risk and more profitable.  This involves looking at and understanding new techniques in trying to make it work and then waiting to see in real life if it does.

  10. The application of the golden rule vs. the easiest thing to do or the highest billing code in the decision-making treatment planning process.

  11. The re-introduction of tooth disassembly and a through clean-out procedure as a standard step in both diagnosis and billing.

  12. The unmasking of out-right employer or third-party fraud in the ignoring of outcomes, or just poor judgment, in the name of cost containment and patient routing.

  13. The inflammatory mechanism that connects periodontal disease and the bacteria in the gut.

  14. The need to put the understanding of airway and its importance, diagnosis, referrals and treatments at the forefront of the dental profession. This new outlook affects all age groups but represents a pressing undiagnosed need in our youngest population.


Monday - Friday: 8 am - 4 pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed


Schedule Now for a Free Consultation


Phone: (949)-760-1152


Location: 360 San Miguel Dr #601, Newport Beach, CA 92660


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