A strong advocate for controlling dental disease and dental costs worldwide
Dr. Vigoren has held offices and committee leadership positions in many professional organizations. Professional society memberships include the American Dental Association, California Dental Association, Orange County Dental Society, Newport Harbor Academy of Dentistry, Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics and American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.
​Dr. Vigoren believes that unnecessary patient discomfort and fear of dentistry is caused by outdated dental methods. The unfortunate result is the cascading failure of dental health among too many adults. He specializes in restorative dentistry with maximum patient comfort.
What Drives Me?
Strong passion, both personally and professionally,
To change and improve dental education.
To change and improve our dental insurance reimbursement payment system to an outcome-based evaluation from an accounting billing system.
To weed out or cull the bad dentistry and bad dentists in our system.
To change our entire health care system to a participatory and preventive game.
To deliver value and do the right thing the first time.
To understand behaviors and the underlying operating systems that form those repetitive behaviors.
To understand conflicts in behaviors between people and groups.
To understand conflicts in behaviors between men and women.